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Tips to Buying Quality Secondhand Auto Parts

Auto parts

Whether you own a sedan, sports car, SUV, or even a commercial vehicle, we know that we can all agree on one thing: our automobiles can basically go wrong any time. And that with or without religious maintenance, one or some of its auto parts can wear out all on their own. So whenever we are in that situation, we can’t help but strain and stress ourselves out; because it will not only require our time and effort, but most of all, it can cause a dent to our wallets. 

Thankfully, there’s one way we can turn this around into a not-so-stressful circumstance: buying secondhand auto parts. If you are looking for a quick yet affordable solution to your car repair and maintenance woes, then opting for used car parts is the best way to go. They are truly a ‘blessing in disguise’ because apart from being way cheaper than new car parts; but also, by choosing to use them, you are preventing them from being stuck in landfills and you are helping the auto manufacturing industry not to use more natural resources to make new ones.

So now you may ask us, “I am considering buying car parts online to save money and help out. But how can I be sure that it is of good quality?” Well, allow us, Yourcarmechanics, to enlighten you on this one. Instead of taking our word for it, we will provide you with some tips on how you can make sure of the quality of the secondhand car parts you’re buying.

Auto Parts

Choose well where you’re getting it from.

This one is first in the list because this is the very thing that will save you from getting screwed or being ripped off by Aussie auto parts suppliers who, let’s just say, don’t have your best interests at heart. So whether you are buying auto parts online or offline, this step or tip shouldn’t ever be neglected. 

Thus, research and investigate well. Know how long they have been in the auto recycling and used car parts Melbourne industry. See if they really have a long list of loyal and satisfied customers. Check their licenses and certifications. By guaranteeing that the business you’re dealing with is a trustworthy and reputable one, you are already more than halfway in assuring the quality of the part you’re going to buy.

Verify the specific part you need.

Once you have chosen the local store or online car parts shop you’re going with, it’s now time you speak with them to verify if they really do have the part you need. Now for them to find the exact type of part you need, you will have to give them at least one or both of these: your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) and the Part Code. If you won’t be able to confirm with them the part number, then there’s that risk of paying for a car part that you don’t need or doesn’t really fit your car.

Buy rare and specialized parts in person.

Yes, there’s always an option of buying a car part online. But we really do not suggest that especially if you’re getting a part that’s hard-to-find or specialized for your particular car type and year model. If over the phone they have said that they have what you need, don’t make any commitments yet. Instead, set an appointment for you to check it out in person. That is the only way you can verify that it’s truly the one you’re looking for.

Compare parts.

If you have set your mind into going to their shop personally, then it’ll be better if you’ll bring the old car part you’re replacing. This will not only tell you if that’s the exact part you need; but also, it’ll help you make sure of its quality. Take a good look at the two parts side-by-side. Carefully check if every fixing point and component is in the same place with the replacement. Check if logos and labels are the same. See, touch, turn, twist, and do everything necessary to check its quality. Trust us, they wouldn’t mind if you take your time in checking the part out.

Extra Tip: You may also want to bring your car expert friend or trusted auto mechanic as you check out the car parts. They will help a lot in deciding whether or not it’s of good quality.

Know its age.

So you have technically checked how it looks. Now, find out about its history. Ask the mileage on the auto part. Knowing this will give you an idea of how long you’ll be able to use it on your car. It’s impossible that the auto parts seller wouldn’t be able to provide you some info on its age. Because if not, head out and try another shop before you purchase something that you’re really not sure of.  Also, find out if the part is sold as simply used, repaired, or remanufactured.

Keeping your car roadworthy and making sure it’ll last longer is getting more costly as your ride ages and accumulates more miles on it. And so, buying secondhand auto parts will surely help in keeping those costs more bearable. The only thing you need is to follow these tips we have given so you’ll be sure that the part you’re buying is going to keep your car performing well instead of making your repair issues worse.