Car Parts

Bringing your car for service maintenance; filling up petrol; fixing damaged components; and purchasing upgrades. These are but just some of the expenses faced by every car owner out there. But there’s just one more thing that some owners or drivers tend to avoid and that is the need to buy car parts. 

Well this isn’t really done as often as topping up your fuel, but car owners tend to face it every now and then because apart from the unexpected damages, some components simply wear out earlier than the others. So if the need to buy a certain car part suddenly arises, almost all of us (if not all) have one thing in common – to get the most bang for our buck. 

But doing that isn’t as easy as it should be. Today, there are lots of in-store and online auto parts suppliers we can choose from. And apart from that, each supplier sells different kinds and classifications of automotive components. We have used car parts, genuine, OEM, rebuilt or remanufactured, like-new, second hand, and aftermarket car parts, among others. And in our common goal to score cheap auto spares, we now have to deal with fake auto parts as well. 

You need to understand that you all have the purest intentions of buying affordable yet top quality parts for your cars. And sometimes also because of the sellers who are just out there to take advantage of customers, you end up being ripped off. That is why now, we ought to help you protect yourselves as consumers. We are here to give you helpful advice on how to spot fake auto parts from the genuine ones. Just follow these tips and you’ll be able to tell if that auto part is phony before you even buy it:

Car Parts

Inspect the packaging.

Genuine comparison is the most effective means of identification. Spotting fake auto parts requires attention to details. Bringing the old part or photos when shopping can help ensure authenticity and quality. Well not unless you have a really good photographic memory, then you’re all good. Check out each side and each detail of the packaging. See if the logo and all the other markings are correct. See if it appears flimsy. Discrepancies in graphics, logos, and markings can indicate counterfeit auto parts. Pay attention to authentic details when spotting fakes. Counterfeit parts often use similar logos, colors, and other graphics from the original ones. There are also some that copy 100% correctly. So you really need to be super meticulous in inspecting. Don’t forget to check the quality of material and completeness of components as well.

Analyze the price.

As with the saying, “If it’s too good to  be true, then it probably is”? Well for this case, we can really say that it does apply. In a competitive market, various price ranges may emerge due to industry players and reputable manufacturers striving for differentiation. However, if the difference in price is just too big, then you must already be suspicious. For this one, another expert tip is that you must research the real current price range of the part you’re buying, considering all classifications (authentic, 2nd hand, etc).

Get parts only from reputable suppliers.

As we have mentioned, there are now hundreds and thousands of different auto parts online and offline. And one way to easily protect yourself from getting a counterfeit car part is to buy ONLY from authorized and reputable suppliers. These businesses wouldn’t risk their license, reputation, and long list of loyal customers just by selling fake products. So choosing one is most definitely key.

Insist on getting a bill.

Another way to make sure you are buying the real deal, always insist on a proper bill or receipt from the buyer, whether or not you are getting it from a physical store. Sellers of counterfeit products (car parts or not) simply stay away from government-related transactions. It doesn’t only help them escape from anti-counterfeit laws but also, it makes them exempted from paying the proper taxes. And so, most of them try their very best not to entertain customers who request for official receipts. Yes of course it will cost you to pay a little bit more because of the taxes that would reflect in their system. But because of that, it can also serve as your insurance and proof of purchase just in case something goes wrong with the part you’ve just bought.