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Genuine, OEM or Aftermarket Parts: What’s the Difference?

Aftermarket Parts

Every car owner should very well know that not all parts of his car will last forever. Though not all of it are consumables, most parts of it will have to be replaced at some point. So if that time comes when a part of your car is broken or worn out and needs to be replaced, one decision needs to be made. Or simply, you’re gonna have to answer the question: What kind of car part are you going to buy? 

Now in order to successfully answer that question, you’d have to take in some considerations like – are you simply buying it because it’s needed ASAP? Would you prefer auto parts with proven reliability and longevity? Would you rather buy the branded ones? Or do you want to save as much money as you can? These and other questions would help you determine which kind of car part to choose.

There sure are a lot of physical stores and online auto parts suppliers everywhere. So to help save you from being scammed or ripped off, it is better that you have a complete and unmistaken knowledge of what really is the difference between Genuine, OEM, and Aftermarket Parts.

The Genuine Parts

Genuine parts may also be referred to as OE or Original Equipment Parts. These are the parts that were originally installed in your vehicle, when it was made. It doesn’t necessarily mean that your car’s brand/company is the one who manufactured that particular part. However, it is called genuine because it’s just like the very first one that was fitted into your car; and, it will have the logo of your car’s brand. They are the most expensive ones to buy merely because of the brand it carries. For first time car owners who have no experience in buying cheap aftermarket parts, maybe, this will be their safest option yet. They will have the assurance that it will definitely fit right into their car, and it’ll have your carmaker’s guarantee.

OEM Parts

OEM means Original Equipment Manufacturer parts or may also be referred to as replacement parts. Like what we have mentioned earlier, all the parts that were installed in your car when it was brand new do not necessarily mean that your car manufacturer really made it. Contrary to popular belief, your car company technically puts together the parts made by other companies. Most car makers work with independent manufacturers to make most of the components and parts of their cars. 

By understanding this, you now have better knowledge about OEM parts. These are exactly the parts made by the external company which your carmaker has been working with all this time. The only difference is that it doesn’t have your car’s brand name and logo on it. That is the reason why they’re cheaper than the OE or genuine parts.

Aftermarket Parts

Now after the first two, you now have a clue on where these aftermarket parts come from. Yes, these auto spares are made by a company different from the original manufacturer. They actually buy the rights to make these parts. What makes these kinds of car parts very popular nowadays is the fact that they’re way cheaper.

However, the term aftermarket entails a very wide spectrum of quality. Simply put, by opting for cheap auto spares, you aren’t really guaranteed of their quality – anything can happen. It might not be as durable. But at the same time, it might also work as well or even better than the OEM parts. It just goes without saying that even if they do fit and work for their purpose, they do come with certain risks. While you still need to inspect it so, the aftermarket parts are recommended for older cars that have been running for at least 4 years already.

Our Take

As the car owner, you have all the right to be a frugal or an indulgent auto parts buyer. Besides, that is your car we’re talking about, and it’s your money that you’re using. But as one of the most reputable offline and online auto parts suppliers, we’re here to give you expert advice on purchasing spares for your beloved ride. We strongly suggest that you be smart by basing your decision on the kind of car part that you need. For example, you need a set of windshield wipers. Would you rather spend $30 for a genuine one instead of a $12 aftermarket one that will basically perform the same or even probably better? But if you need a crucial component of your car, let’s say for safety like your brakes or suspension, you might opt to go with OEM parts. Get it?

Being a smart buyer doesn’t mean that you’ll always go for the cheap ones. That means that you’ll go for the one that gives you the most value for your money.