When we talk about communication, we’re not discussing casual conversations with our passengers or using your smartphone for calls or texts. We’re emphasizing driver communication, which involves effectively conveying your intentions to pedestrians and other drivers on the road. This crucial aspect is often taught in driving schools but unfortunately overlooked by many experienced drivers today. Mastering how to communicate with other drivers is essential for a safe and harmonious driving experience.
With effective driver communication, it is a lot easier to achieve a peaceful and orderly road or traffic situation. When drivers practice road courtesy and exhibit full cooperation, we also avoid road rage and different kinds of altercations.
Here are some tested and proven driving tips so you could effectively communicate with all the motorists and pedestrians on the road:
Always Use Your Turn Signals
Did you know that some studies show that about 600,000 of the car crashes that happen in a year are those of lane-change and turning collisions? Well, that is a lot. You might think that this is just too basic. But apparently, many (and we do mean a lot) drivers still forget to use their signals when making a turn, changing lanes, parking, or pulling out of a curb. There are some who do use it, but they’re still unfortunately late. The proper way of using your turn signals is like this: Turn on your left/right signal, then look for the adjacent and oncoming traffic, wait for at least 4 seconds or when it is really clear, and then you can finally make your move.
Use Your Horn Responsibly
Our car horns are there to enable us to avoid a possible accident by announcing your presence to another motorist or vehicle. Again, we would like to stress that it’s a safety device. Thus, it is not to be used for you to express your frustration on the traffic condition, to exhibit anger towards another driver, nor to pressure the other motorist to go faster. The horn is there so you could tell a vehicle that you’re in the vicinity, once you assume he or she does not see you coming. The proper way of using your horn is to just give a light tap and just repeat it in the same manner if you the other driver still haven’t noticed.
Use Your Hazard Lights
These aren’t called emergency lights for no reason. Use them if you really want to stop on the traveled portion of the highway. Use them if your car suddenly broke down. Use them while you’re waiting, loading, and unloading.
Make Eye Contact and Courteous Gestures
Drivers must learn how not to be shy in expressing their feelings and intentions while on the road. Your ability to provide nonverbal cues like eye contact, nods, and hand gestures will help send clearer messages to pedestrians and other motorists. For example, you may exhibit such body movements and expressions to say:
- “Sorry.” (like when you have unconsciously cut someone off or when you just had to make that sudden turn)
- “Thank you.” (like when a driver politely let you pass or turn first)
- “Go ahead, pass through.” (like when you’re allowing a pedestrian to cross the street first or a vehicle to turn first)
- “Please let me through.” (like when you just really have to make a lane change in the highway during rush hour because if not, you’ll miss your exit)
Sometimes, the other motorists will appreciate you expressing those intentions and making those gestures. But sometimes, there are also those who would still see you as a rude and selfish driver. But don’t mind those. What’s important is, your intention clearly got through to them, and there’s no way they could say they didn’t know you’re about to make that move.
Make Sure All Lights Are Working Properly
Your headlights are essential in avoiding accidents especially when driving during the night or in dark places, like highway tunnels. This is exactly the reason why there are laws that prohibit vehicles that have broken or malfunctioning headlights, taillights, and brake lights. All these are important to prevent head-on and rear collisions. Check if they’re working properly and see if you haven’t forgotten to turn them on.
When it comes to road safety and orderly traffic, communication is really key. Yes, defensive driving is still important. But because of the fact that we are driving in public places and roads where there are lots of other drivers, it is fundamental that we know how to properly express our intentions and give our full cooperation.